Maybe It's Just Me, But... (at Psychology Today)
A mix of ethics and self-help, especially with regard to relationships, plus some discussions of interesting new papers in philosophy and law. I have fortunate to have wonderful, thoughtful readers who challenge me and often suggest topics for future posts. See here for an index of posts at this blog since it started in February 2010.
An academic blog launched in September 2009 with three (fairly) like-minded colleagues, at which I discuss new work in economic and ethics, as well as philosophy and law, and also a few newspaper comics. See here for my posts, most of which are announcements of interesting papers and conferences I find online (often at other blogs, such as Larry Solum's Legal Theory), but some of my favorite substantive posts are:
- Inequality: Confusing the Issue (March 22, 2011)
- "Unnecessary" nutrients? (January 25, 2011)
The End of Cost-Benefit Analysis? (January 24, 2011)
Does health (or health care) have special moral status? (December 26, 2010)
The Implications of Human Fallibility for the Future of Capital Punishment (November 30, 2010)
Free markets versus perfect competition (November 23, 2010)
No, Professor Krugman, Economics Is a Morality Play (September 30, 2010)
An unintentional survey of the ethics of gays in the military in the WSJ (September 21, 2010)
The Indignity of the Health Care Bill (March 23, 2010)
That oldtime utilitarian economics (no, thank you) (November 28, 2009)
Started here in March 2007, then moved to its current location in October 2010, this blog was originally intended to feature short pieces in the style of my chapters for books like Batman and Philosophy, but also developed to feature news and reviews of developing events and storylines in the world of superhero comics.
I started guest-blogging at this general interest blog (with a particular focus on law and literature) in March 2011. (See here for my posts.)